Biodynamic Principles
The emphasis of biodynamics is to promote soil health and maintain a balanced and diverse population of soil biology. In keeping with our holistic philosophies, the vineyard is managed with the absence of pesticides and herbicides. Undervine slashing and mid-row cover-cropping are methods utilized for weed control.

All organic matter from the vineyard, including stalks and grape marc are composted together with cow manure to produce a super potent biodynamic fertilizer, which is returned to the vineyard.

Preparation 500 (horn-manure) is made from cow manure which has been fermented in a cow horn that has buried for approximately six months. 500 is used as a soil spray to stimulate root growth and humus formation. Preparation 501 (horn-silica) is made from powdered quartz which has been packed inside a cow horn and buried for several months. 501 is applied as a foliar spray to stimulate and regulate growth.
Other preparations include yarrow blossoms, chamomile blossoms, stinging nettle, oak bark, dandelion and valerian. These are also used in homeopathic quantities and added to the compost.

In addition to biodynamic practices, we are in constant pursuit of other sustainable practices that ensure retention of moisture, for example, mulching with straw and monitoring the soil for nutrients, etc.